Can Eating Eggs Increase Cholesterol? Check out the Facts

KUPASONLINE.COM — Some people may still question whether eating eggs can increase cholesterol? Eggs are a source of protein intake and offer a number of beneficial nutrients for the body.

Even though it is considered healthy, some people avoid eating eggs in a certain amount so that their cholesterol is controlled. So, is it true that eggs can trigger high cholesterol? For more details, try to see the following review.

Several studies have found facts related to the consumption of chicken eggs (food commonly consumed by the public) and heart disease. Heart disease is very closely related to bad cholesterol levels in the blood which can trigger plaque formation in blood vessels.

Even though this savory-tasting food offers enough important nutrients that are good for the health of the body.

However, one thing to realize is that the trigger for cholesterol to rise is not just eating eggs. There are a number of habits or other factors that make eggs seem like a bad food for heart health. According to the Cleveland Clinic page, here are a number of facts that are the reason cholesterol rises after consuming eggs.

1. Facts about eggs and their cholesterol levels. In order to prevent heart disease from high cholesterol, health experts recommend that we limit our intake of cholesterol as little as possible.

The goal is not to eat foods with cholesterol exceeding 300 mg per day. Meanwhile, in one large egg (chicken egg), the cholesterol level is only about 186 mg and all of it is found in the egg yolk.

If there are no other high cholesterol foods that we consume in a day, according to researchers, eating one egg per day is safe enough for health.

2. Egg accompaniments For example, at breakfast in one portion there are eggs, bacon, sausage or ham which are foods high in trans fat.

This type of food includes processed meat which increases the risk of heart disease and also contains high cholesterol. The habit of consuming egg accompaniments which also contain high cholesterol is what is said to cause cholesterol to rise after consuming them.

3. How to cook eggs How to cook eggs can also contribute to increasing cholesterol levels in the body.

Especially if the eggs are fried in oil, butter or butter. This one cooking method can increase the level of saturated fat in food, which if we consume excessively in the long term can also trigger the risk of heart disease.

In order to control the cholesterol from the eggs, boiling eggs can be the best cooking method for health reasons.

4. Eggs can prevent serious illness For healthy people (without a history of disease or risk factors), eating seven eggs a week can be a healthy way to prevent serious illness. As well as certain types of stroke to a serious eye condition called macular degeneration which can lead to blindness.

Even said research, eating seven eggs in one week does not increase the risk of heart disease.

But it’s different for people with diabetes. Several studies have shown that eating seven eggs a week can increase the risk of heart disease. Regarding this fact, further research is still needed to determine the risk of eggs, diabetes and heart disease. However, there are conclusions that can be drawn from the results of these studies, namely that diabetics are advised not to over-consume any food in order to prevent complications.

5. Egg whites can be an option If we really like eggs, but don’t want to get high cholesterol or worry about cholesterol levels.

Researchers suggest consuming only the egg whites. Because in this section there is absolutely no cholesterol found. Egg whites are enriched with protein which is good for building muscle mass, preventing high blood pressure and good for eye health. (*)

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