Characteristics of Adolescent Psychology

Characteristics of Adolescent Psychology — Physical Development of Adolescent Psychology The adolescent phase is a period of human life that is very strategic, important and has a broad impact on subsequent development. In early adolescence, physical growth is very rapid but disproportionate, for example in the nose, hands, and feet.

In late adolescence, body proportions reach adult size in all its parts. In relation to this physical development, the most important development is that this aspect of sexuality can be divided into two parts, namely:

1) Primary Sex Traits The psychological development of male adolescents experiences rapid growth in the testes, the vessels that produce sperm and the prostate gland. The maturation of these sexual organs allows teenage boys, around the age of 14-15 years, to experience “wet dreams”, releasing sperm. In adolescent girls, there is rapid growth in the uterus and ovaries which produce ova (egg cells) and hormones for pregnancy. As a result there is a cycle of “menarche” (first menstruation). The early menstrual cycle is often accompanied by headaches, backaches, fatigue, depression, and irritability. Adolescent psychology.

2) Secondary Sex Traits The psychological development of adolescents in secondary sexuality is growth that complements individual maturity so that they appear as male or female. Teenage boys experience hair growth on their mustaches, sideburns, beards, hands, feet, armpits, and genitals.

In men, Adam’s Adam’s apple has grown and the male voice has turned hoarse and low. The skin turns rough. In adolescent girls also experience hair growth is more limited, namely in the armpits and genitals. Growth also occurs in the glands that will produce milk in the breasts, as well as growth in the hips so that they become proportionally adult women.

B. Cognitive Development of Adolescent Psychology Brain growth reaches perfection at the age of 12-20 years functionally, cognitive development (thinking ability) of adolescents can be described as follows:
a. Intellectually, adolescents begin to think logically about abstract ideas
b. The functioning of high-level cognitive activities, namely making plans, strategies, making decisions, and solving problems
c. Already able to use abstractions, distinguish the concrete from the abstract
d. The emergence of the ability to reason scientifically, learn to test hypotheses
e. Thinking about the future, planning, and exploring alternatives to achieve it adolescent psychology
f. Began to realize efficient thinking processes and learn to introspect
g. Insight of thinking is getting wider, can include religion, justice, morality, and identity (identity).

C. Development of Adolescent Psychology Emotions Adolescents experience the peak of their emotionality, a high level of emotional development.

The emotional development of early adolescents shows a strong sensitive, reactive nature, their emotions are negative and temperamental (irritable, angry, sad, and moody). While the late teens have begun to be able to control it.

Adolescents who develop in an environment that is not conducive, their emotional maturity is hampered. So that they often experience negative consequences in the form of “inappropriate” behavior,

for example: 1) Aggressive: fighting, stubborn, fighting, annoying and others
2) Escape from reality (regressive): likes to daydream, quiet, likes to be alone, consume sedatives, liquor, or illegal drugs Meanwhile, adolescents who live in a conducive and harmonious environment can help their emotional maturity to become:
1) Emotional adequacy: love, affection, sympathy, altruism (happy to help), respect (respect and respect for others), friendly, etc. 2) Control emotions: not easily offended, not aggressive, reasonable, optimistic, not explosive, face failure in a healthy and wise

D. Moral Development of Adolescent Psychology Adolescents are able to behave in ways that do not only pursue physical satisfaction, but also increase in psychological order (a sense of acceptance, respect, and positive evaluation of others). adolescent psychology.

E. Social Development of Adolescent Psychology Adolescents have experienced the development of the ability to understand others (social cognition) and make friendships. Teenagers choose friends who have relatively the same psychological characteristics and qualities as themselves, for example the same hobbies, interests, attitudes, values, and personality.

The development of attitudes that are quite vulnerable in adolescents is the attitude of conformity, namely the tendency to give up and follow how their peers do. For example in terms of opinions, thoughts, values, lifestyles, habits, hobbies, desires, and others.

F. Psychological Personality Development of Adolescents Adolescent psychology. The central issue in adolescents is a period of developing self-identity (identity) which will become the basis for adulthood. Teenagers are getting busy and excited about the problem of “who am I?” (Who am I?).

Related to this, teenagers are also worried about looking for idols in their lives who are used as role models and pride. Important factors in the development of adolescent personal integrity (adolescent psychology) are:

1) Physical growth is getting older, it brings consequences for adult behavior too
2) Sexual maturity has implications for new impulses and emotions
3) The emergence of self-awareness and re-evaluation of obsessions and ideals
4) The need for wider interaction and friendship with friends of the same sex and the opposite sex
5) The emergence of conflicts as a result of the transition from childhood to adulthood. Late adolescence has begun to understand, direct, develop, and maintain self-identity.

Anticipatory actions for late adolescence are:
1) Trying to be careful in behaving and dealing with his strengths
2) Examine goals and decisions to become a desirable human model
3) Pay attention to the ethics of society, the will of parents, and the attitude of their friends
4) Develop personal attitudes

G. Development of Religious Awareness Faith and heart are the determinants of one’s behavior and actions. How is this spiritual development occurs in adolescent psychology? In accordance with the development of critical abilities of adolescent psychology to highlight religious values ​​carefully.

They began to bring religious values ​​into their hearts and lives. But they also critically observe the inequalities in society whose lifestyle is less concerned with religious values, is hypocritical, dishonest, and other immoral behavior. This is where the faith and spiritual ideals of adolescents experience clashes and trials(*)

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