Create Exam Questions Using Google Forms, This is the Complete Guide

English. Kupasonline. Com–What is the method for creating questions in Google Forms? It could be that many people are in doubt especially for teachers who want to share guidance to assess their students.

In modern learning, practicing and doing tests at home can be tried online. When you are practicing, a teacher can invite students to do live streaming or movie calls. On the other hand, to ask questions, the teacher must make questions online.

For online inquiries, there are many providers that can be used, ranging from free to paid ones. For free, Google has provided a feature called Google Forms to its consumers. In addition to loading blanks and others, Google Forms can also be used to create online tests or problems.

Google online blanks can also share numerical results after participants respond to questions that have been made. And the results of the numbers received by the participants can be monitored by the teacher. By using technology, teachers and lecturers can create problems in Google Forms. By making questions on Google Forms, all students can access them through their gadgets.

In memory of the Covid-19 endemic, upgrading was tried online, because this condition did not allow making joint tests at school or offline tests by accompanying students directly at each other’s homes. Create an online question on the next Google form is a guide. This is due to the very different analogy between students and teachers and other employees in schools.

There are more test takers than test supervisors. As a result, in this technological era, they try to create a more supportive situation by conducting online tests at their respective homes (test participants), one of which is by using the Google application. Google blanks can be used to create test questions at special hours.

As a result, even if students carry out tests at home, it is possible to be able to cheat very little even without a direct test supervisor. then what are the steps to create problems in Google Forms. Next are some methods of creating problems in Google Blank.

How to Create Questions in Google Forms?

1. Method of creating problems in Google Forms

Go to Google Blank, click the Plus symbol. Click Settings at the top right. Click test, then test designation. Click then collect email destinations, to collect email destinations. Then save.

2. How to Make an Answer Key

In Google Forms itself we can also create a reply key for each type of question short reply, double option, checkbox, dropdown, option tiles, checkbox tiles, and much more. Next are the steps: To increase the problem, then click Add problem. Then fill in your question and answer. Then On the left of the issue base, click the Reply key.

Select the correct answer or reply. At the top right of the issue, select how much the issue is worth. Where do you like to add a recorded description or YouTube movie to a reply, click. Add reply feedback. Click Edit issue to correct alternative issues or replies. Memo: You can share value and increase the return for all types of problems.

3. How to sort out shapes during and after the quiz

You can choose whether people can see the unanswered question, the correct answer and the number of the problem. Here’s the trick: In Google Blank, open a test. At the top right, click Settings. then Click test. After that In the “Respondents can see”, check the box

4. Method of Using Locked Shapes for Quiz

Throughout the test, the key was focus. As a result, students always focus on asking questions at the time of the test. If a student is found to have left the test or opened another tab, the teacher will receive an email notification. enable locked shapes until some extensions and keyboard shortcuts are disabled. It should also be noted that the locked form will accumulate students’ email destination and prevent testing only for your area.

Gram Suite Accounts for Learning, Chromebooks set up by your school for each student are required to use the locked form. And you can also use Chrome OS 75 or later. Next method of activating locked shapes: Open the quiz. Then at the top, after that click the settings section then Test. Check the box next to it that says “Enable locked shape“.

5. Give a Time Limit for Each Question

This arrangement will also provide students with a category-like atmosphere and force students to focus on problems. On the Google Blank page, click the Column symbol, then click Add-ons. Find Form Limiter, install it. Click allow to show the script to your Google account. After that there will be a setting method where you can enter a time limit and coincide with the problem being worked on. Click Save and Activate. When the question has reached the set duration, the question will close automatically

6. Give And Give Numbers Through Google Forms

On Google Blank, open a test. At the top, click Assumptions. Click Individual. To switch with people, click First First or Next. Find the question that you want to rate, namely: At the top right, enter the number of points that the answer gets. At the bottom of the response, click Add feedback. Take note of the assumptions you want to enter, then click Save. To put the changes, at the bottom, then click Save.

On the other hand, to provide results via Google Form, you can use the following method: In Google Blank, open a test. At the top, click Assumptions, then People. At the top right of the assumption with the registered email destination, click Launch numbers. Check the box that matches the person you want to email. Click Send email

7. Method of Linking Google Blanks With Google Sheets To View Responses

Assumptions by default can be observed directly in the tab on the right side of the blank itself. But you can use Google Sheets as a place to collect reactions in a more detailed way. Data from Google Sheets itself can also be opened as a file in Microsoft Excel or as a PDF file.

Go to the Answers tab. Click the green Google Sheets button there. You can create the latest Google Sheets or use your existing Google Sheets file for the first time. Click To. When you create a recent one, a recent tab will appear showing the Google Sheets page. Here comes the column that is automatically generated from the problem you are asking for.

What is the Method of Giving Google Forms Links?

After the Google Blank form is created, you can provide the link so that anyone can upload the blank. Click the Send button. We can check the Shorten URL box to make the URL shorter. After that we settle on providing urls according to each purpose. Good through social tools, whatsapp team, web and the like.

Not only a link, you can also send a link to an email directly here or match the blank so that it can be filled directly on your website. It’s an easy and complete method of asking questions on google forms. This service makes it easier for teachers and students to do test questions online. It can also be used by the police while practicing at home in the current situation.

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