Here Are 10 Indian Rituals That Will Make You Gaze With Amazement!

KUPASONLINE.COM — One of the things that makes a country unique and special, is its cultural and cultural diversity. One of them, India is very famous for its beautiful and rich tradition and ritual values, so that it can attract the world’s attention.

However, some Indian traditions and rituals are considered quite interesting and different. Launching from, here are 11 related Indian rituals that will make you gape instantly with amazement. What are you curious about?

1. Cannibalistic Aghorists

India has various well-known sects, such as the Cannibalistic Aghorist sect that worships Lord Shiva. In this belief, followers believe that everything provided by nature can be consumed. Without exception humans.

That means, it is clear that the Cannibalistic Aghoris are indeed carrying out the activity of ‘devouring’ humans. Usually, they did this by dragging the corpse from the river, mulling over it, then tearing every limb to devour it raw. Not to forget, bones and skulls are processed as food containers.

2. Veni Daan in Allahabad

The ritual itself is only performed in Allahabad. They will hold a big celebration with the characteristic of the wife wearing traditional clothes, tying her hair back. Then when the ceremony is over, the wife has to sit on the husband’s lap to have a lock of hair cut and offered to the river.

3. Throwing babies in Maharashtra and Karnataka

Who would have thought that the people of Maharashtra and Karnataka have the most terrifying tradition, namely the ritual of throwing babies. This hereditary activity takes place in December involving fathers and newborns.

Initially, the father would be asked to climb the stairs or the temple wall with the baby in his arms or tied behind. Once it reaches the top, the baby will be immediately handed over to the man standing at the top by swinging it back and forth.

From there, the man will drop the baby from a height of about 10-15 meters. Of course, a group of men waited downstairs, holding blankets, to find the baby and hand it back to the mother. This tradition is considered to provide excellent health and strength to live a long life.

4. Dhinga Gavar in Jodhpur

The Rajasthani Gangaur Festival is one of the most famous festivals in India. However, not many know that Dhinga Gavar is an extension of the festival by being held separately in Jodhpur.

At exactly 11 locations in the city of Jodhpur after sunset. The statue of Dhinga Gavar who is the consort of Shiva, will be decorated in Rajasthani clothes and laden with gold ornaments. Then, the god was offered cannabis and dried fruit.

It doesn’t stop there, at night, women are required to wear special clothes and parade through the streets with long sticks in hand. The men who approached each woman, will be beaten with sticks to give prosperity.

5. Aadi Festival in Tamil Nadu

Talking about festivals that are quite famous in India, you need to know about the Aadi Festival in Tamil Nadu. This festival is very much enjoyed by the villagers so that it is able to involve hundreds of people who are members of the festival activities.

In essence, the activity involved hundreds of villagers lining up outside the shrine. There, religious leaders break coconuts over everyone’s heads. Although medical injuries tend to occur until a warning is received, the ritual still continues.

6. Baby dipped in boiling water in Bijalapur

A place called Bijalapur, Karnataka, India, unfortunately still holds a tradition or ritual that is considered quite inhumane. How come! The ritual asks residents to dip a 3-month-old baby into boiling hot water.

Indeed, the baby will soon be removed. However, severe burns will still occur due to very hot temperatures. According to belief, the ritual is seen as a way to thank the gods and religious leaders.

7. Thimithi Festival in Tamil Nadu

A legend in India tells that after the Mahabharata war led by the Pandavas, his wife named Draupadi was able to walk through expanses of fire and emerged unharmed. This is considered as his holiness.

To honor and remember this sanctity, the Thimithi Festival is held in Tamil Nadu by requiring people to walk on a stretch of burning coals. However, the steps taken must be done slowly and should not be rushed.

8. Cow trampling ritual in Ujjain, Bhopal

India has a special day called Ekadashi day. Of course, there are big celebrations that take place, at Ujjain and Bho to be exact

pal. Big celebrations are held through the ritual of dressing up cattle and decorating bulls and cows in such a way.

After finishing the fun process, the villagers had to lie down on the ground and let go of every cow and cattle to trample all the villagers. At the same time, they will chant a wish.

9. Made Snana in South India

Temples in most of South India serve food or prasadam on plantain leaves. This food must be eaten by every resident and visitor by sitting cross-legged on the ground as is considered good.

Then, the tradition of Made Snana will ask the devotees to finish eating their food and then lie down on the ground and roll around on the raja jah leaves which still contain leftover food. The practice is said to be able to alleviate health problems suffered and provide better health.

10. Burying children in the sands of Karnataka

A very dangerous ritual tends to be performed by the people of Karnataka in India. In this ritual, children with disabilities, such as physical disabilities or certain disabilities, will be buried in the sand up to their necks on the day of a solar eclipse.

The burial process will be followed by making a deep enough hole before sunrise. The goal, to put the kids in the hole for one to six hours. This method is considered to be able to cure them.(*)

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