Know Your Love Language And Your Partner For A More Harmonious Relationship

Know Your Love Language And Partner For A More Harmonious Relationship—Who is not familiar with love language, or you don’t know it yet? Love language, or more commonly known as Love Language is the way we express and receive love from other people.

Well, it turns out that there are many kinds of love languages, you know! 5 Types of Love Languages

1. Words of Affirmation Individuals with love language words of affirmation feel more loved and happy if their partner sends sweet words, such as words of encouragement, praise, or support. Saying “I love you” or encouraging words like “Cheer up, I’m sure you can do it” will make your partner feel loved and cared for.

2. Gifts Gifts can be called the universal language of love, because almost all cultures consider gift-giving as an expression of love. Someone with this love language does not expect expensive or extravagant gifts from their partners, but gifts that are given with a specific purpose and intention, such as an expression that you are thinking about them.

3. Acts of Service

This love language describes those who think that “action speaks louder than words”. According to them, sweet or poetic words don’t really symbolize love. What they think is love is when you drive them home after work, or help them when they move.

4. Quality Time Well, this love language is for you who love to spend moments with your partner. You feel appreciated and loved with all your heart when your partner wants to spend time in the midst of his busy life for you.

The types of quality time can be in the form of quality conversation, quality listening, or quality activities. In your opinion, spending time chatting or doing activities with your partner is the main way to maintain harmony in your relationship. 5. Physical Touch Those with physical touch love language express love through physical touch. They will also feel loved if their partner hugs, caresses, holds hands, or kisses them.

How do you know your partner’s love language? According to child and family psychologist Sani Budiantini, recognizing your partner’s love language must start with self-knowledge. Know yourself, what is your love language, then you can recognize your partner’s love language through their behavior.

Instead, each other’s love language should be communicated with each other so that partners can understand and respect how we want to be loved. Don’t just code!

The importance of love language for the harmony of your relationship Of course, recognizing your partner’s love language will increase harmony in a relationship.

The question is, why? Psychologist Sani explains some of the benefits of recognizing the love language: Conflict will be minimized because now you understand each other better and know how to show love to your partner, especially when your partner is feeling sensitive or not in a good mood. Reduce disappointment because expectations are too high. Often in a relationship we expect our partner to treat us in a, b, c, and d ways.

In fact, your partner may not necessarily catch that expectation because of your different love languages, for example. Relationships become more intimate and romantic. When we know how our partner wants to be loved, we can better satisfy our partner’s needs by treating them according to their love language. Your partner will feel more loved, understood, and respected by you.

After reading the discussion from the psychologist above, let’s see what they say about the language of love! Unmarried couple, Melbourne “We both have the same love language, Quality Time and Act of Services. By knowing our partner’s love language, we can better understand how to interact and communicate with each other, anyway.” Roy & Vini Rotty, husband and wife

“If everyone in this world was the same, life wouldn’t be fun, right? Now by knowing the love language of my partner, I have learned to be able to understand him better. Learn to be humble and put aside my selfishness. I think this is how humans grow. And with this psychological development, I feel more calm and grateful. On the husband’s side, he’s also happier. So, our household becomes full of abundance.”(*)

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