How to Disable Safe Search on Yandex for Viral Japanese Videos

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"Newest 2024 Yandex Com Browser Yandex RU Viral Video, Watch Now!!"(PINTEREST)

ENGLISHKUPAONINE.COM – Have you ever tried to watch viral Japanese videos on Yandex com or Yandex Browser Japan but couldn’t find them because they were hidden? If so, don’t worry, the solution is here.

Many people use Yandex com or Yandex Browser Japan to search for and watch viral videos that are blocked. This Russian-made browser is well-known for bypassing blocked video filters.

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But what if the video you want to watch on Yandex is hidden and you can’t find it?

When you search for viral videos on Yandex and see “Yandex Safe Search Mode Enabled,” it means that Yandex has hidden the video you want to watch.

Safe Search Mode appears when the site or video you’re looking for contains content that is deemed inappropriate or unsuitable for display.

To overcome this, you can disable Safe Search mode in the settings. It’s really easy. Follow the steps below!

How to Disable Safe Search Mode Enabled in Yandex Application

Here’s how to handle Yandex Safe Search Mode Enabled in the Yandex browser app:

1. Open the Yandex app.
2. Go to the Settings menu.
3. Look for the “Filter Pages” option.
4. Choose between No Filter, Moderate Filter, and Family Mode.
5. If you want unrestricted search, select No Filter.
6. Once clicked, the safe search filter will be automatically disabled.

How to Disable Safe Search Mode Enabled on Yandex Website

If you access Yandex from the website, here’s how:

1. Open Google Chrome or another browser.
2. Go to
3. Navigate to the settings.
4. Look for the “Filter Pages” option.
5. Choose between No Filter, Moderate Filter, and Family Mode.
6. If you want unrestricted search, select No Filter.
7. Once clicked, the safe search filter will be automatically disabled.

That’s how you can disable Safe Search Mode Enabled on Yandex com or Yandex Browser Japan. Happy watching!(OLN)

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