How to Make Google Ads, Check out the Full Review

There are many methods that business owners can try to reach a larger target audience, one of which is by implementing Google Ads.

By knowing the Google Ads record method and carrying out promotions in it, your business can get more traffic and marketing.

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As we know, most people nowadays want to go to Google to find the data or products they need.

By carrying out promotions on Google, business owners will have a great opportunity to get the attention of targeted clients.

More than 90% of internet consumers in Indonesia use the Google search engine to find the data they need.

This is evidenced by the Stats Counter Outline information which shows that Google has a market share of 96.84 percent in search engines, YANDEX RU is 1.32 percent, Yahoo is 1.07 percent, and Bing is 0.43 percent. DuckDuckGo at 0.29 percent, and Baidu at 0.02 percent.

Things that need to be prepared before placing a promotion on Google:

1. Confirm the Purpose of the Ad

2. Make sure the place to advertise

3. Keyword Study (Keyword)

4. Make sure your payment calculation

The last stage that you need to prepare before making a promotion through Google Ads is to determine the google ads fee that you want to spend. The calculation of advertising in Google Ads is very flexible.

Please specify based on the size of the business field, the availability of calculations, or your profits.

Keep in mind, that it continues to be a lot of budgets, continues to be a lot of traffic, and continues to be a big opportunity for marketing volumes.

To make sure that the calculation of the fee for your business is quite easy, just make sure of the budget you want to spend and the duration of the promotion. And make a calculation of the daily payment received from the total budget divided by the total duration of the promotion.

For example, using a fee of IDR 3,000,000 for 30 days of promotion, the calculation of the daily payment is IDR 100,000.

After preparing the 4 things above, the next step you need to do is to promote on the Google Ads legitimate website.

Method of Placing Promotion on Google:

1. Open Google Ads

2. Click “Start Now”

3. Enter the Campaign Goal

4. Select the Google Ads Form Type and click “Continue”

5. Selection of Target Position and Language Used

6. Ensure Target Audience

Google provides a feature to determine the target audience that matches your line of business. Here you can determine your own target audience, for example, a kind of painting below:

7. Ensure Daily Calculation

8. Ensure Bidding

9. Add Other Data About Your Line of Business

To increase the number of clicks, such as social tools used, phone number, or

industry position. After that click “Save and Continue”.

10. Enter the Key Speech you want to use

Google will also share some keywords that are relevant to your line of business. Don’t forget to click the “Save, and Continue” button for the next step.

11. For Advertising Forms

Fill in some of the fields that have been provided by Google to create your headline and promotional story. Click “Save And Continue” for the Next Step. (*)

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