Women must live this so that their husbands are subdued, this is a method to make husbands love more

Women must live this so that their husbands are subdued, this is a method to make husbands love more
Women must live this so that their husbands are subdued, this is a method to make husbands love more

Going through the household ladder is certainly not easy. Husband and wife must work together and try to make their household last and harmonious.

Well, especially for wives, they also have to fight to make their husbands feel happy and not bored. One method that can be tried is mandatory cleaning when talking to your husband.

When the husband calls again, when he is in pairs like his husband, the male brain actually likes his wife to be spoiled and talks a little shrilly. Men, when they follow the female voice, are smaller, they want to tease their subconscious.

On the other hand, if women are very independent or buzzing about their dialogue,

men want to think of him as someone else.

Try practicing and see

the changes. Long

of course, he likes it. Why? Because it’s like the brain. We need to learn it from Korean films. Korean women are very calm when they talk.

However, even so, doing this must also be in place. That is when you are in pairs, not in front of other people. Why do men like to be treated like that? What makes men love to think their wife is a calm little woman, that’s because in the brains of men and women there is such a thing as the hypothalamus. Not only that, when a man follows a female voice, it is smaller, he wants to tease his subconscious.

Why do men like to be treated like that?” What makes men love to think their wife is a calm little woman, that’s because in the brains of men and women there is such a thing as the hypothalamus. Men’s hypothalamus is 2.5 times wider.

In order for the bond to be more harmonious after marriage, you and your husband must always be innovative to turn on the enthusiasm of love. A very efficient method that you can try is the tantalizing payoff. Although the method of flirting with the husband is different from flirting with the latest men you know, but the desired effect is the same. That is so that he needs you.

Pay attention.

The length of time you spend with your husband and the length of time you actually spend with him are two different things. Often, you are very easily trapped in the routine of multitasking as a result of not paying attention to what your husband is doing or talking about.

Share the Surprise.

It could be that you don’t share many surprises with your husband after marriage. However, you can turn the surprise-sharing activity into a Routine.


Whispering is an activity that is contrary to routine. So, if you occasionally whisper the words of love in his ear, don’t be confused if many men create meaning there.


Friction such as, caressing, embracing and squeezing, if often tried will keep your marriage always ‘hot’.(*)

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