BMKG Warning: Extreme Rain on New Year’s Eve, Please Be Alert!

KUPASONLINE.COM — The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) estimates that New Year’s Eve 2023 will be hit by heavy rain. Although, in terms of intensity, it has decreased compared to the previous day’s estimate.

Head of the BMKG Public Meteorology Center, Fachri Radjab said, the intensity of this heavy to very heavy rain will last from noon to the afternoon, and last until the evening before midnight.

“So on the 31st, it will increase in the afternoon, evening and night, but we see that towards the turn of the year it has slightly subsided but increased again after midnight,” he said during an online press conference, Thursday (29/12/2022).

On December 31, 2022 the rain intensity was only in the heavy and very heavy range in various areas in the Java Island region. This potential has subsided from the intensity on December 30, 2022, where the potential for rain has reached extreme levels.

On the day before the new year, the potential for very heavy rain will hit the northern part of DKI Jakarta, northern West Java, southern and western Banten, and northern Central Java.

Meanwhile, the potential for heavy rain will be in the range of Banten, central West Java, central Central Java, DI Yogyakarta, central and southern East Java.

Meanwhile, especially in the Greater Jakarta area, the potential for very heavy rain will be in North Jakarta, northern Bekasi Regency. Potential for heavy rain in Bogor Regency and Bogor City and Depok. Potential for moderate rain from Tangerang Regency, Tangerang City and Bekasi Regency.

“So this needs to be anticipated. Our brothers and sisters who celebrate New Year’s Eve can prepare themselves, the facilities and infrastructure as well, so that their activities can remain safe and not be disturbed by rain,” said Fachri.

Based on BMKG records, this potential decrease in rain intensity is due to the presence of a 95W tropical cyclone seed in the Philippines. This causes potential rain clouds to be sucked in in the Indonesian region.(*)

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