The Habit of ‘Cretek’ Fingers, Is it Harmful to the Joints?

KUPASONLINE.COM —The ‘cretek-kretek’ sound that is heard when we crack our knuckles is indeed very satisfying. This habit is usually done to relieve stiffness or tension in our fingers. Read news without ads. Join Some people also do it for other body areas such as the waist and back.

But does the habit of snapping fingers really have any benefits? Or even dangerous for the health of bones and joints?

The impact of the habit of sounding fingers Orthopedic surgeon from Cleveland Clinic, Kim L. Stearns, MD, says sounding the knuckles releases gas in the form of nitrogen bubbles from the space around our joints.

The ‘kretek-kretek’ sound is created by compressed bubbles. “Researchers aren’t sure whether the sound emitted from your cracking knuckles is gas bubbles forming or being released,” he said. “But after all, it’s just gas.”

The habit of ringing your fingers will not trigger the risk of arthritis, although that does not mean there is no danger at all.

The technique that is carried out is very important so that it does not cause adverse effects on our joints and bones. Don’t pull or press too hard, and pay attention to the direction. If snapping your fingers hurts, it means there’s something wrong with the way you’re doing it. If our finger swells or looks crooked afterward, Dr. Sterns suggests getting checked out immediately because that is an indication of a ligament injury or sprained finger.

Other than that, there are no long term effects to worry about. Research in 2017 proved that there is no difference in grip strength between people who frequently snap their fingers and those who don’t.

But the study found differences in the thickness of the cartilage of the metacarpal heads — which could indicate osteoarthritis — although it’s not clear if habit is to blame. Is the behavior that needs to stop? A 2011 study conducted research on so-called crack years to examine whether a person’s long-term habit of snapping their fingers can affect the risk of osteoarthritis.

As a result, the number and duration of knuckle cracking did not increase, nor decrease, the risk of joint swelling or osteoarthritis. Experts don’t recommend people start doing it or kick the habit right away.(*)

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